Forssell v. Forssell

In Forssell vs. Forssell, the appellate court reversed a non-final order suspending time-sharing because the trial court did not indicate what if any steps would be required of the father to reinstate his time-sharing. The appellate court also reversed and remanded an order denying the dismissal of a separate domestic violence injunction. Both parties requested […]

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Cockrell v. Kinnett

In Cockrell vs. Kinnett, the appellate court reversed a contempt order that modified the parties’ timesharing schedule with the child, because there was no pleading that alleged a significant change in circumstances. The mother was thus not put on notice that modification would be sought or granted. Modification is not a proper sanction for non-compliance. […]

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Paternity and Timesharing

It often comes as a surprise to unmarried fathers that when they break up with the mother of their child, they do not have timesharing and decision-making rights automatically. In order to establish a timesharing schedule and to require the child’s mother to include them in major decisions, the father must file a Petition to […]

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Back to School

It is that time of year again: time for children to head back to school. It’s important to remain involved with your child(ren)’s schooling even though you and the other parent may not be together. If parents have a friendly relationship, staying involved should be fairly easy, but what if you and your child(ren)’s other […]

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Full Custody

The above statement is something that is heard often by many Florida family law professionals, and each time it comes up, the following needs to be explained. The word “custody” in Florida law is an archaic term, and although it is obsolete, it seems like it simply won’t go away. This is likely because the […]

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