How Can We Prevent The State From Terminating Our Parental Custody Rights To Our Children?

So, DCF has begun proceedings to terminate your parental rights (TPR) because of alleged egregious abuse, neglect or abandonment.

If you have previously been granted a case plan, and you simply did not previously follow it, you have the opportunity to delay the TPR by making an honest effort to comply with the case plan.

If you do not have a case plan, though, your only method of delaying TPR is to insist upon and then participate in the TPR trial.

If you are able to prevail in the TPR trial then you may instead be granted a case plan to reunify, and if you complete the case plan, then TPR will be avoided.

At worst you will have delayed the TPR until after the trial.

Case plans where egregious abuse, neglect or abandonment are concerned typically have tasks that include parenting courses, drug/alcohol abuse treatment, and mental health treatment.

Many parents are unable to go through with the tasks; as they are often difficult, and many people would rather continue with the unhealthy behavior rather than care for their children.

But if the penalty for refusing to comply with the case plan includes TPR, then many parents change their attitudes and instead start working in earnest on the case plans.

Successful completion of the case plan will most likely result in an end to the TPR proceedings, in favor of reunification efforts.

I have met parents who, when faced with a choice of either discontinuing their drug usage, for example, or losing their children, will turn to me and say “can I really continue using drugs if I give up my kids?”

That is a situation that will shock most people who hear that, but I have come to learn that the reality of addiction is that some of those who are addicted would rather continue in their addiction than get treatment.

Or perhaps the desire to raise children is less powerful than the desire to continue using drugs at that particular moment in time.

Whatever the reason, the negative motivation must be overcome if one is to avoid TPR.

Contact Men’s Rights Law Firm to discuss your options today. 239-829-0166.